National Rally Info

MCC National 2023

Here is some initial information about the 2023 National Rally being held at the ThreeCounties Showground, Malvern, received from the National Rally Secretary. Further details can be found each month in the Magazine.

BOOKING FORM. The booking form is available in the magazine. There is a slightdelay with online booking form due to work being done on the Clubdatabase. It should be available from the middle of February. Please keep an eye on the Club website.

GROUP MARSHALS –We will need two Group Marshalls (two Units). If you wish to put your names forward for this, please let you Chairman know first come first served! The Group Marshalls will need to mark their booking forms with the words Group Marshal or inform Head Office if booking online. Group Marshals can arrive from 2pm on Wednesday 24th May. There will be a Group Marshals’information meeting at 6pm on Wednesday; marshals will be given their booking in sheets and have a chance to raise any questions they may have.

PARTYNIGHT on SATURDAY: The Party Night theme is ‘Films”. We have to choose our own film - fantasy, historical, cartoon, horror,comedy…. the list is endless, the choice is yours! Please have a think about what films would be good to use, for decorating tables(please note, table decorations must not be above a height of 30 cm(12 inches) to avoid blocking other members’ view of the entertainment), fancy dress/costumes in line with the theme (only ifyou want to – this is NOT mandatory) etc.

Please discuss the theme with your fellow members and submit suggestions, via Facebook is fine, to your Committee, who will have the final say– we should like to make a decision as soon as possible – by the end of March in order to give people plenty of time to get their sewing machines out!

INTER-GROUP COMPETITIONS: The Club would like to get as many Groups as possible involved. There are various inter-Group competitions tha tGroups are encouraged to take part in: the Homecraft Group Entry, Intergroup quiz, and the best decorated Group table on Party Night; see magazine and Handbook for further details. Do consider enteringteams for these. Remember, individuals can contribute to the Homecraft Group Entry without having to attend the rally. (For Homecraft individual entries however, the member must be attending the rally).

The Club would like to hold a games afternoon on the Friday. Is there anyone in our Group that would be willing to organise an activity such as a Whist Drive /Beetle Drive / Domino Knockout / curling etc, or any other type of game inside or out? It would also be greatly appreciated if someone from one of the Groups would be willing to organise the whole games afternoon. Again, please reply to,do bear in mind that the Coach trips are also on the Friday.

INDIVIDUALCOMPETITIONS: You will have the opportunity to enter the various sections of the Homecraft competition – all the details are in the Handbook. The annual Fun Dog Show is a chance for members to “showoff” their beloved canine pet.

If you wish to ‘showoff’ your craft or hobby please contact the Homecraft co-ordinator, Peter Johnston:

Any questions, please contact your Committee, and get those thinking caps on for a suitable film theme.